The Book howler is mainly a book review blog, with the occasional bookish blog memes and other book-related posts. My love for books is what drives my book blogging and nothing else.
For publishers and authors:
If you are looking to make a request for me to review your book, you have come to the right section!
All reviews written by me will contain my honest and fair opinion, regardless of whether it received good or bad ratings. I will not favor any particular author / book, nor will I attack the author / book for personal reasons. I will not take down my reviews once it is posted on my blog even if you are unhappy with how I have written it.
Once I have accepted your book for review, I will require at least 1 week & above to finish the book and have the review posted on this blog, Goodreads, Amazon, and other requested sites. Additionally, links to my review will be uploaded to my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Google+ accounts.
I mainly prefer to read middle grade, YA/NA & adult fiction, as those are my interests, and the rare non-fiction if it catches my eye. If your book does not belong to any of the mentioned genres below, but I find it interesting enough to want to read it, I might grant the book a review. However I make no guarantees.
Book genres I prefer to review:
Sci-fi / Fantasy
Dystopian / Post-apocalyptic
Book formats I accept:
ARCs & Finished Copies in physical & e-book format.
Added bonus if it is a physical copy.
My book review will contain the following:
Book title, cover & synopsis
Name of author & publisher
Book genre & content warning
Publishing/Release date
Rating (0-5 stars)
Link to Goodreads and author's website (if any)
Honest review
If you would like to make a request for me to review your book, kindly fill in the form below:
Alternatively, you can drop me an email via this address: jothebookhowler(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for your time.
the Book howler